Doberman needs proper treatment&education

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“Rewarding pieces “are intentionally mentioned the last thing, because they turn to be useless when you have to deal with not very gluttonous dog. On the contrary, cooperative staying with close person, playing with him is always more attractive encouragement for dog Doberman.

We should remember this peculiarity, always bear it in mind and practise in order to succeed in education and training of our pet. Reasonable alternation of pleasant moments with unpleasant ones is necessary for pursuing an educational goal.

Amicable nature of Doberman is such a wonderful benefit that, besides all other measures, every owner of this dog is just obliged to keep up it in the first instance and of course not to spoil.  Before buying Doberman you should arrange a place for its sleeping. 

In new housing conditions Doberman puppy must immediately have a place specially designed for it. In order to allay wrench of separating with its mom it is recommended to take along a thing redolent of a Kennel; it may be either a toy or a piece of a blanket which smells of native nest.

It will help the puppy to get accustomed to new surroundings sooner. Naturally, absence of brothers and sisters as well as familiar medium may cause heart-break in the dog. During this period it needs to be with Doberman puppy as often as possible and not leave it alone as far as possible. 

Generally necessary educative process may not last only for 5 minutes a day–you should spend much more time with dog Doberman. One should lead the puppy out and drive it unleashed for short or long walk. At that the triple effect is achieved:
  • necessary regimen is provided;
  • meetings with unfamiliar people, animals, transport distract and excite the dog and gradually it becomes assured;
  • only we can protect Doberman dog from all dangers during walk and this intensifies its devotion, trust.  
If such first walks are successful one should start habituating to leash step by step. It does not mean that you should bear lead the baby applying a brute force; you had better lure it stepwise at that speak highly of the dog, talk a lot and lend it support.

During this period Doberman puppy should get as much various and entertaining impressions and not to gain unpleasant experience.  If it turns out well the dog will get bang out of every walk  and its relaxedness, its self-confidence  will be preserved and even increase. At first these walks are short and correspond to physical capabilities of Doberman puppy.

Following a bicycle is a good occupation but only when the dog is 9 months old not earlier. Bathing is very useful for strong athletic body development.  But you should beware of negative experience. 

You should not throw the dog into water if it does not want; the goal objective can be met much easier if an owner himself takes a departure offshore and then calls his dog.

During common pastime any wanted behavioral peculiarities are to be always rewarded and confirmed. It is always recommended to praise largely for every properly made instruction and not to hurry to repeat a requirement.

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