The Doberman was exhibited in Germany at Hamburg exhibition in
1863 but in 1876 a studbook for the Doberman was started. The
Doberman was named Thuringer Pinscher then.
Unfortunately, Frieidrich Louis Dobermann was not destined to
become the evidence of the triumphant progress of his dogs’ fame.
But after his death in 1894, June, 4 the breed was named his name
thus changing its old name Thuringer Pinscher to the title
Doberman–Pinscher.World recognized the new title in 1900, but
since 1949 Doberman-Pinscher was named just Doberman because the
word “ pinscher” means terrier and has nothing to do with this
In 1960 under this title and # 143 in Fédération Cynologique
Internationale (FCI) the breed was registered as German. The
standard of the Doberman was provided from Federal Republic of
Germany. Therefore the breed has already managed to “wear” the two
names. Thuringer Pinscher is the first one, Doberman is the third
Cynological literature does not contain any version on initial
breed formation as well as on Pr. L. Doberman himself. In 1949 it
was decided to omit the word “pinscher” in the name of the breed,
because many cynologists considered lawless that the breed was
attached to pinscher group.
Many researchers consider Otto Goeller if not the founder then the
father of the breed. Thinking that these dogs are too nasty and
wicked, he “softened” their nature successfully, made them more
yielding, obedient and preserved all amazing qualities of guard
and warder in the breed.
Goeller succeeded in the breed improvement that empowered to keep
these dogs at home. One of the odd circumstances giving an
additional impulse to popularization of Dobermans among ordinary
people was a discontent of Goeller’s neighbor who always
complained about the noise appearing from the house of “the breed
Goeller had to keep only some representatives of the breed but
distribute or sell the rest. This generated a new tide of breed
spread that due to the excellent abilities of the dog later led to
the fact that Doberman’s dogs became ones of the most popular dogs
in Germany.
It is not a secret that chiefly elegant appearance of Doberman
enslaves many owners. And only later, when the dog is grown and
educated, its owner is convinced that how deep can be common
ground during communication with this dog breed, how Doberman has
a gust of all living with it under the same roof, how quickly and
intelligibly this dog responses to the environment and how much
infinitive its devotion.
Monument to Doberman
There is a monument to Doberman established in Germany, in
Thuringia in city Apolda in the street Teichgasse, between the
square Alexander Pushkin and Darrplatz. The monument represents
the family of Dobermans. This is a work of Kirsten Stoeckel from
The city of crimson jingle
The bells have been standing for 5 thousand years already. Many
will shake their head at exactness of these figures, but the
workers of the Museum of the bells –the first and as far the only
in the world!-in small town Apolda (district Erfurt, GDR) claim
that everything is like that. And they are possible to believe;
though the Museum itself was built so recently, bell casting’s
craft has been in Apolda for 255 years now.
Here one may see the bells from all over the world. They are cast
in crude iron, copper, bronze, different alloys, even china bells,
at times of any fantastical shape, can be seen there. Any visitor
has the right to take a rubber hammer and strike in a favorite
exhibit lightly.
So, in museum rooms discordant ring does not grow silent from
morning till night. There and then plates, cembalo, gongs,
sleigh-bells –i.e. everything that is able to ding. But the bells
are the most important of course. Indeed they are necessary even
now therefore the ancient trade does not die. May cities order
chime for big tower clock only here- in a bell city named