Military Protection Bite Sleeve for Working Dogs
Our craftsmanship offers best design Military Protection Bite Sleeve for Military Dog Training, Schutzhund training, KNPV training/show and more.
Military Protection Bite SLEEVE for working dogs/Doberman

"text-align: center;">This is Dog Training Bite Sleeve include Jute Cover!!
Our dog attack sleeve
is one of our best selling training bite sleeves.
This is a great Protection Bite SLEEVE for intermediate to all-around Police and Military dogs.
Such bite protection sleeve is long lasting and very durable with a very good bite bar.
No Metal or Outside Plastic Parts Equals Safety For Your Doberman Tri Level Bite Bar Regulation To Adjust Proper Training Stage
Means This One Professional Sleeve Will Do THREE Others Training Sleeves Job Hand Stitching For Outstanding Durability Superior design for Police, Schutzhund and Military training already Tested and Approved by professional DOG Trainers .
General "Woof" Tip: Want to make extra money? We offer wholesale prices. It can be perfect opportunity for you to make some extra income easy – out products well known and you just have to show it to your friends so they will want it.