Looking for a reliable bite sleeve to train your young Doberman? This high-quality French linen bite sleeve is great for training your growing puppy. Start using it from about six months of his life and you will see good results!
The light weight and the flexible elbow will provide you with additional mobility and speed. Join the army of professional trainers who appreciate well-thought design and top grade materials of this convenient sleeve.

High-quality training bite sleeve for growing Doberman
Soft French Linen Sleeve for starting bite training
This dog attack sleeve is ambidextrous and can be used on either arm. It’s padded enough to protect a helper from bites.
A convenient nylon handle allows more control while conducting training. It also has a hard handle inside which makes targeting for a young dog easier. This bite protection sleeve is a good transition from a short puppy sleeve to an intermediate sleeve.
Take a look at puppy french linen sleeve in 3D